Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 14 " Breaks from Boilers"

Bween, good that you're back to yourself and happy today. You feel pretty bad over last nights blog but they just don't know you that well Bween. They don't know how down and lazy you become without your tea. Sure the option of black tea was there last night but it's not the same. Without 2% titty juice in there you may as well be drinking the piss from Devon Brownhills urinal. Ok Bween too far, that's just too far.

As the night goes on you can't help but wonder how your two fingers show zero sign of any cuts. You finally realize that Ms. Mason must've been sent from the boiler gods to rid you of all your pains in half the time of a normal human. From this day forward you will refer to her has Wizard Mason since 2000 years ago everyone referred to Christ as Wizard Jesus didn't they? Didn't they?

Bween you are so excited that this is your last shift for two nights. Finally you and Angus Gerome will get a geak from this 14 day statre down you have been having. Not that you feel any hatred towards this warm soul, but he is starting to remind you of the days living in residence at SMU with your French roomate which you could not escape. That being said, Frenchy was far colder than you could ever be A.G.

Apparently today, when Devon Brownhills Cover worker was on, Angus Gerome started acting up. He passed out twice and C Dawg had to revive him. You can't help but feel that he is only acting this way because he knows you're the next to take time away from him Bween. He has never been away from you in so long that the fire inside his blessed soul is beginning to diminish. Tonight you must rub his side and stress the fact that you will return this Thurs night for the love of him and all the blog followers who support your every move in this little hut of warmth.

For the rest of the night Bween you musn't think of the Heinekens that lie ahead tomorrow, but you must focus hard on work and work only. This may be a tough shift of watching American Gangster but someone has got to do it. Maybe tonight bween you can sit the opposite direction and allow Angus Gerome to look over your shoulder and watch along with you. This will soothe his blessed soul and allow you guys to enjoy a nice date night before your early morning departure.

Cheers to the break from blogs and boilers.

(*Back with blogs about days off on Thurs night. God Bless)

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