Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 15 " Cheese & Boilers"

My God Bween your 2 days off went some quick. That being said you had a clear blast drinking beer and relaxing. Sure Angus Gerome text you a few times but you ignored them because you knew your time off would be very short lived. It really is amazing though Bween how much can happen in just 2 short nights away from work.

On night 1 Bween you made your fun little trip to the NSLC on Young St. This is the most convenient trip ever because you also walked into the Superstore and bought yourself Sushi and shit pills. Why would anyone ever buy the expensive ones when the no names are $3 cheaper for 6 shit pills, and they are made the exact same. You just can't understand people that have to own brand name shit pills, just boggles your mind. Either way, you go to the cash and pay for your necessities and are asked to donate a buck to the IWK. Hell yes, not only is this your moment to help a sick kid out, it's also your chance to sign the little paper "Pete Little." Bween you know most who read this blog may not know the story about Pete little but that's ok. His name must be mentioned at times like this no matter how distant the reader may be from your personal life.

So Bween your first night was great. Not only did you get a little sklow on but you also got some old pizza from pizza corner. While getting pizza the gut stands besides you and orders a Donair. You both stand observing the donair meat cutter. This thing is amazing. There seems to be no contact between this mystery meat and the blade and it somehow cuts perfectly. You then realize it just has some wizard power (electrical arc) which pulls massive chunks of Donair meat to the wizard workers hands. You can't help but crack a joke about how life would suck without a donair cutting contraption like this. To your surprise the wizard worker turns and says "you have no idea how tough life is without this thing." He then goes into detail about how it broke down once and donair cutting became the worst task any man or wizard could be assigned to do. He also proceeds in telling you the device cost $2000 to repair. You then leave and don't know how you feel about the donair discussion that just occured.

Night 2, well Bween let's not talk about night 2.

Today Bween you head to Sobeys to buy some sodium filled meals for work. As you are looking around a woman says "Excuse me sir, would you like to try a sample of extra old PEI cheese." You can't help but think it's NS cheese now that it's in NS but whatever, you don't start an argument and you try it. It tastes bitter and lumpy and stale. You love it Bween. She then tells you where its located so you go over to look at it to seem polite. She then asks you if she can take your picture looking at the cheese. Who is this creepy woman? Ah well you make a pose for far too long since she has to wind her camera. Really? Who owns those bad boys anymore? Either way Bween your head grows a little larger. Not only do you play in a famous country group called the Wildcats, but your going to be on the cover of a PEI cheese magazine. You can't help but assume everybody across the country gets their own copy of PEI cheese magazines. You can just picture it now, the title will say "SAY CHEESE." Fuck, how terrible is it that your gunna be the cheese guy, ah well. No such thing as bad publicity....right?

Ok Bween your back at work and just beat Mike Tysons punchout online using the game genie. You cant get damage yet you still lose a fight? The sandman dummies you quite a bit and wins in a decsiion. Even though you knocked him down a total of 6 times (2 times per round, this is why there was no TKO) and he didn't knock you down once. Imagine going to a boxing match Bween and the winner of the match got knocked down 6 times. This just isn't right.

Anyway Bween, life is pretty good. Your relaxing with Angus Gerome and your FB creeping midgets. This night shall fly!

Thanks Boiler Gods.


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