Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 5 "Blood and Boilers:

Confusing Karma Bween, you head to Canadian Tire, buy a funnel and tubing to fix a leak in the boiler container for your boss, you hit the liquor store and buy co-worker Devon Brownhill a 24 of Keith's light for landing you this great paying boring as fuck/easy job and you show up to relieve him from work 45 min early. Good things should be coming right? Not a chance.

While cutting tubing you accidentally miss the material and deeply cut your left hands index and middle finger. Now there's blood everywhere, you wanna cry because the site of blood reminds you of falling off your bike at age 6, getting up, thinking your ok and then seeing blood and fainting. Now Devon is putting Duct tape all over your fingers while you cover your eyes with your right hand and keep saying Fuck over n over again. Do you need stitches Bween, well probably but being a power engineer you can't leave so just sit there and call your nurse friend, miss Mason. After she informs you through the confusion as to how bad these cuts really are you phone Wildcat WildDog who through training from his mother, fixes you up quickly as The Gut loses all colour in his face, which now also holds first aid tape for no apparent reason at all.

As the night progresses as slow as one can imagine Bween settles into his Toronto Maple leafs chair and throws on the worst movie ever made. That's right folks, "American Pie Band Camp" is terrible and not even worth downloading for free, yet earlier in the day Devon went to Video Differnce and rented it. Bween will forgive him this time since there was quite a few boobies in the movie.

Right now Bween you will just sit and wait. Ear protectors are on over headphones, Saving private Ryan is playing and many texts are coming in, helping this night move. You just spoke with WildCat Wildog through Skype and Wildcat Cooper. They are half a city away cheering you on. Allow this night to move Boiler Gods, allow it to move.

(1:38am) 5 hrs and 22min remaining of shift

Easy Come Easy Go

WildCat Bween

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