Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 9 "Concerning Boilers"

Bween Bween Bween, your back at it and boy you're in for a long night. Devon Brownhill (your competition) has his DND interview at 10am tomorrow so you're spotting him. How excited were you driving into work tonight and knowing you can not leave until 16 hours later. 16 hours, holy shit, thats like drivin to Mabou and back to Halifax 4.5 times. Holy shit that's like watchin Shawshank Redemption slightly over 5 times. Holy shit that's like watching 3 Nascar events. Holy's shit that's like going to church in Mabou 21.5 times (mass takes approximately 45 minutes depending on sermen length.) Holy's shit that's like... ok ok Bween settle down, you can just say it sucks and you went on this rant to simply pass a few minutes, good job. You're in for a long night, that's all.

So you login to msn, watch a little of "Superbad" and then take a break. Sorta weird how you have breaks from movies, is this a real job? When you close the movie you get a message from Wildcat Jimmy. You and him go on a rant about how crazy the world is. You speak of everything, from plastic bags taking 750 years on average to break down to Neil Armstrong reading porn on the moon. Either way you and Jimmy both feel plastic bags and porn on the moon is a giant no no. Moving on.

Bween, you couldn't help but give the Boiler a name tonight since lately you have been patting him and speaking to him out loud. Angus Gerome suits him since A.G is stamped on him. He is what everyone looks for in a true friend yet he acts like an infant. He is always warm, has a cute round shape about him. He has short little legs and looks like all other babies (or boilers if you want to treat him like an object). He depends on you much like a baby as well. You have to kick start his day and be with him 24 -7. Since Devon Brownhill watches him during the days you think him as a very reliable nanny. Yes Bween, talk Devon Brownhill out of Power Engineering tomorrow. Convince him to open a daycare. "Devon Brownhill's Daycare." Who wouldn't go for an original name like that. This daycare would also open a slot at the DND Bween. Holyshit, lets get this plan in action. Naaa Fuck Bween, nevermind. These walls are just turning you into Gollum. The only idea you must keep is Angus Gerome is far more than a boiler. He is a love generator. He pushes out 85 pounds per square inch of steamy love. What a guy!

Ok Bween, time to go eat. It's getting to the point you dont need to bring a lunch anymore since your spoon has 30 different old meals dried up on it. Just lick the spoon Bween and youll get full in no time. Lick 1, yum rasberry apple sauce. Lick 2, Mac n Cheese (the pizza flavoured kind). Lick 3, king cole tea. Lick 4 rusty room floor (haha that rhymes). Lick 5, mustard pickles. Ok Ok your getting carried away again Bween, put the spoon down and put up the feet.

The night is but a pup. Let's just hope everyone who reads this blog has no connection to the DND. Goodnight Bween and no watchin "Cast Away." That movie sucks and is only about a guy losing his mind, and not bothering to write blogs.

I Love you forever
I'll like you for Always
As long as I'm living
My boiler you'll be.


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