Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 6 "Baggins' Boilers"

So Wildcat Bween, another 12 hours begins and you needed to call security to let you into the washrooms because for some reason you only have to drop a bomb during your and their shift change. Head desk man tells you of his shift change and that it's going to take a while to send someone down. He obviously has no clue you have to poop so bad that your starting to consider the sobeys bag close to the boiler. Fuck it Bween, noone will notice go for it. The decision is made, the bag it is. As you head towards the bag the officer says hey sir come with me. You can't help but wonder his thoughts if he showed up 5 min later and your hovered over a sobeys bag behind a giant boiler. Either way Bween, you don't put too much thought into it as you head indoors and release the food demons causing your pains.

Bween, you now are sitting back in your Toronto Maple Leafs Lawn chair and can't help but wiggle your ears under your ear protectors to hear the boiler sounds come and go. Whhheeee WWhoooo Wheeee Whoooo only entertains you for about 30 seconds and then you begin texting. Everytime your pocket vibrates you get excited to see what your limited friends have to say. Bween, you really have to stop putting your phone in your left pocket since your splinted fingers on your left hand bascially wont fit in your small pocket. This would stop you from looking like your playing pocket pool with your right hand in your left pocket. Anyway Bween, start remembering this.

So now Bween your pissed. From your 30 Seconds of fun with your ear protectors an ear piece snaps off and you only have one left which twists causing your glasses to move to the upper left direction. How will you ever enjoy The Lord of the Rings with glasses in your way, and not in the good way? So now you just get half of whats said in this great movie while the other half is the horrid sounds of the water pumps behind you comng on every 2 minutes. Hard to beat watchin a movie with half vision and half audio. Ah well Bween its not so bad, there are Children starving. You try to put yourself in their shoes but realize that if they had this movie, wernt in a boiler room, and 20 20 vision, then they could ignore their hunger pains when Gandalf the Grey shoots fireworks from his wagon.

Time seems to have stood still the past while. It is now 12:22am and Bween is done blogging for the rest of the shift. You know what to do boiler gods.

Easy Come, Easy Go!

Wildcat Bween

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