Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 11 "Perverts and Boilers"

Ok Bween, your back in your Maple Leafs Chair feeling pretty good about how your interview went yesterday morning, That being said there's one question they asked that was sort of a no brainer, but you still couldnt bring yourself to answering it correctly. They asked you "What should be, and is always on the mind of a 2nd class power engineer?" You got choked up thinking about the answer. You know you were just after telling them you are honest, but you must lie Bween, you can't say what's really on their mind. So you go ahead and say safety should be on their minds along with awareness of company policy and the general gauge readings. This sounds ok Bween but who are you kidding? The two men doing the interview are 1st class power engineers, they know whats really on the mind (even moreso b/c a 1st class engineer knows more than a 2nd). You so badly wanted to say here's what's on the mind; Double D breasts crammed into a tiny brazeer. Chicken fingers and fries with extra gravy and sweet n sour sauce. That scene from wild things where the two lesbian girls make out in the pool. The youtube video of the fat kid falling out of his roller coaster seat. The curiosity of why there is even a starter on a BBQ since not one has ever worked (Just there for the click noise you assume). And finally, the midget downtown halifax who wears no shirt under his open leather coat despite the freezing cold temperatures. This is the only thing that a power engineer focuses on in their career, nothing else.

Ok Bween, your pocket starts shaking and you think it's a text to only see a number calling in which you dont recognize. A little hesitant you put the phone to your ear, take a deep breath and say "Wildcat Bween how may I assist you?" To your surprise you hear drunken rambling and can only make out "What boiler you runnin wha?" The wha at the end of the question narrows it down to a Cape Breton man but who could it be? Ahhh that's it, its Dr. Popsicle calling from Charlottetown. This man is a second class power engineer so you go ahead and ask him what's on his mind at the moment without mentioning the interview question. He slurrs "I'll tell you wha'ts on my mind. Double D breasts crammed into a tiny brazeer. Chicken fingers and fries with extra gravy and sweet n sour sauce. That scene from wild things where the two lesbian girls make out in the pool. The youtube video of the fat kid falling out of his roller coaster seat. The curiosity of why there is even a starter on a BBQ since not one has ever worked (Just there for the click you guess). And finally, the midget downtown halifax who wears no shirt under his open leather coat despite the freezing cold temperatures." He then says he may be in town tomorrow, so Bween you can study him furthermore tomorrow before your shift. Just from this talk Bween you realize, you shouldn't even write for your 2nd class ticket, you know all those intelligent thoughts needed to run a large power plant. Good Job!

Side note Bween: Order more boiler babies tomorrow. The tank is getting low and the flames musn't diminish!

Over and out!


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